Tuesday, June 17, 2008


There's a simple truth that I love you....
And then there are the thousand explanations....
There's a simple reason to be with you....
And then there are the thousand justifications....
It's a simple choice between the taken and the foresaken...
And then there are a thousand reasons....
It's a question of standing up now or never...
And then there are a thousand seasons.....
It's a choice between belief and disregard....
And then there are the thousand fears.....
Mostly it comes down to one or two decisions....
And then there are the thousand repercussions.....
In all probability it comes to run or hide....
And then there are the draws of a loaded dice....
Simply boiled down it's just a matter of taking sides.....
Some get soul mates some win brides....
(Image Courtesy:Richa Bhake at http://picasaweb.google.com/richabhake)

1 comment:

Richa said...

crazy! this one is goood! dont tell me you are writing this well "uninspired"